The Benefits Of Utilizing Concierge Medical Services

Concierge medical services are becoming more and more popular. Most concierge medical services charge you a flat monthly fee, and in return, you have access to a doctor who has fewer patients than most traditional doctors. They also offer more services than traditional doctors. If you are considering utilizing a concierge medical service, you may be curious what the benefits are. Here are a few of the benefits associated with this type of service. [Read More]

Why You May Want To See A Medical Cannabis Doctor And Get A Card

There are states where medical marijuana is legal, but recreational-use marijuana is not. When you live in one of these states, you need to have a medical marijuana card in order to legally ingest marijuana. There are also states where both medical and recreational use of cannabis are legal. If you reside in one of these states, you may wonder what the benefits are of getting your medical marijuana card when it's recreationally legal anyway. [Read More]

Tips For Joining A Gym For The First Time

While you don't always have to join a gym in order to stay active, it certainly can be a helpful way to motivate yourself to stay fit. However, joining a gym the first time can seem a little foreign or intimidating. If you can relate to these feelings, you may find the following tips helpful. Visit gyms in-person before joining These days, most gyms allow people to join and pay for a membership online. [Read More]

Seven Things Not To Do After You've Undergone A Gastric Sleeve Procedure

After patients undergo the gastric sleeve procedure, they need to avoid certain behaviors and habits. Certain behaviors can compromise a patient's chances of reaching weight loss goals after gastric sleeve surgery and make it more difficult to achieve optimal health. The following are seven things patients should not do after undergoing the gastric sleeve procedure. Being impatient The gastric sleeve procedure can potentially make it significantly easier for patients to get their weight under control. [Read More]